For each cross-curriculum priority, a set of organising ideas reflects the essential knowledge, understandings and skills for the priority. The organising ideas are embedded in the content descriptions and elaborations on each learning area as appropriate.
Systems – Interconnections

O.I.1: Organising Idea 1
The biosphere is a dynamic system providing conditions that sustain life on Earth.

O.I.2: Organising Idea 2
All life forms, including human life are connected through ecosystems on which they depend for their wellbeing and survival.

O.I.3: Organising Idea 3
Sustainable patterns of living rely on the interdependence of healthy social, economic and ecological systems.
World Views – Social Justice, Values, Judgements

O.I.4: Organising Idea 4
World views that recognise the dependence of living things on healthy ecosystems, and value diversity and social justice are essential for achieving sustainability.

O.I.5: Organising Idea 5
World views are formed by experiences at personal, local, national and global levels, and are linked to individual and community actions for sustainability.
Futures – Design and action

O.I.6: Organising Idea 6
The sustainability of ecological, social and economic systems is achieved through informed individual and community action that values local and global equity and fairness across generations and into the future.

O.I.7: Organising Idea 7
Actions for a more sustainable future reflect values of care, respect and responsibility, and require us to explore and understand environments.

O.I.8: Organising Idea 8
Designing action for sustainability requires an evaluation of past practices, the assessment of scientific and technological developments, and balanced judgements based on projected future economic, social and environmental impacts.

O.I.9: Organising Idea 9
Sustainable futures result from actions designed to preserve and/or restore the quality and uniqueness of environments.
Based on Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) materials viewed on the Australian Curriculum website on 01/09/2015. ACARA does not endorse any changes that have been made to the Australian Curriculum.