Curriculum in your State

The integration of sustainability into the curriculum varies State by State. Here is a snapshot of how curriculum integration differs across Australia. To find out more about how the Australian Curriculum is integrated in your State, visit the Australian Curriculum website.

State Schools


Curriculum: Australian Curriculum

Teaching units: Curriculum into the classroom (C2C)

New South Wales

Curriculum: Australian Curriculum

Teaching units: Teaching and learning sequences from Board of Studies Teaching and Education Standards, Department of Education and schools.


Curriculum: Victorian Curriculum F-10 (released in October 2015) incorporates the Australian Curriculum, including cross-curriculum priorities. 

Note that in December 2016, the current AusVELS will be archived and the new curriculum will be mandatory from January 2017. Between now and then, schools can implement either version.

Teaching units: Produced and supported by a range of service providers


Curriculum: Australian Curriculum

Teaching units: Developed by AuSSI

Western Australia

Curriculum: School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s K-10 Outline currently encompasses ACARA's Australian curriculum English, mathematics, science and history, including cross-curriculum priorities. 

Teaching units: Teaching units are developed by the school

South Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory

Curriculum: Australian Curriculum

Teaching units: Teaching units are developed by the school (typically by curriculum coordinators and heads of learning through liaison with the Principal). In some cases (where accessible), best pratice examples are sources from other state schools online.

Independent Schools

Teaching units are developed by the school or where accessible, best practice examples are sourced from other independent schools.

Catholic Schools

Teaching units are developed by the school or with assistance through published materials in the Catholic schools network.

“If someone has done something really good and they’ve already done all that hard work and put it together — let’s acknowledge that as a good resource and use it as a starting point to give yourself the confidence and direction to do it yourself."

- Education for Sustainability Curriculum Project research participant